This year everything starts on Tuesday December 3rd, 2019!
The city’s institutionalized Lighting Ceremony will take place on the evening of December 3rd at Volos’s beach, with invited artists Despina Vandi and Christos Mastoras. The contemporary artistic production of the city is represented by the Volos Municipal Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, the choirs of the educational institution and its associates. Festive choreographies by local artists accompany the Orchestra and the artists, while spectacular fireworks illuminate the sky as soon as the Mayor presses the button in order to showcase the festive lighting, the magnificent aerial sled in the area of the Town Hall, the tallest Christmas tree in the country, the masts of the yachts of the port and the mythical Argo that dominates the coastal front of Volos!
The artistic quality of the ceremony is guaranteed by the dozens of skillful musicians who compose the Symphony Orchestra, the professors and members of the Volos Municipal Conservatory, the experience of the choreographers of the Dance Schools who meet every year the requirements of the event with professionalism. The fireworks and the visuals, which will follow, compose a one of a kind finale for the event, that is transmitted by satellite to every corner of the earth!
It follows the artists’ “Christmas Walk” with the Philharmonic Orchestra leading a festive march of local authorities, guests and spectators of the event, under the blue sky of the city’s main highway, with direction the Dinosaurs theme park and final destination the village of Santa Claus in Riga Feraiou’s Square. The Christmas ride is enriched by the presence of local carriages, which adorn the historic carriages of the city and follow the thousands of participants reminiscent of beautiful pictures of the city’s past.
Under the shadow of the mythical ship of Argos, the city of Volos and its citizens will send their own message of hope and optimism and will prove that “When We Want, We Can”.
Because Volos enchants us, Volos unites us …
TUESDAY 3 DECEMBER 2019, 19.00